Responding to an Application
When someone applies to SAT, they have to name the other parties involved in the matter. These people can be called respondents, and are usually a person, a corporation or a local government body.
As a respondent, you have the right to put your views before SAT – to respond to what the applicant is saying.
If you are the respondent, you will receive a notice from SAT advising you the application has been listed for a hearing. This can be:
- a directions hearing, to decide how to move forward;
- a final hearing to hear the parties’ arguments; or
- SAT will make a decision based on the documents, without a hearing
You are expected to attend any directions or other hearing.
If you, your lawyer, or other representative, do not attend the first directions hearing, a decision may be made in your absence. Also, you need to give SAT notice of representation if you wish to have a representative.
If you are the respondent and a decision maker whose decision is under review, you must lodge all relevant documents or materials with SAT, as required by section 24 of the State Administrative Tribunal Act and the State Administrative Tribunal Rules.
Useful Resources
Last updated: 22 August 2023
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