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State Administrative Tribunal
State Administrative Tribunal

Health and Safety

SAT has jurisdiction under the following pieces of legislation and has powers including:

Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004

  • to review decisions by the Chief Dangerous Goods Officer, including on exemptions from regulations relating to dangerous goods, and applications for authorisation, licence, registration, permit or other approval

Electricity (Network Safety) Regulations 2015

  • to review decisions by the Director relating to network safety, if a question of law is involved

Medicines and Poisons Act 2014

  • to review decisions by the CEO on:
  • the professional authority of health professionals;
  • licences and permits to manufacture, supply or use a poison;
  • restrictions on the supply, use or possession of a poison by a person
  • including the name of a person on the drugs of addition record

Police Act 1892

  • to review decisions by the Commissioner of Police to charge a person for providing police services for an event

Private Hospitals and Health Services Act 1927

  • to review decisions by the CEO to cancel or refusal to renew a licence to conduct a private hospital, or to cancel an endorsement to allow persons to be detained for the treatment of mental illness under the Mental Health Act 2014

Public Health Act 2016

  • to review decisions by the Chief Health Officer to make a test order or public health order, or to refuse to issue an immunisation certificate;
  • to review decisions by authorised officers, emergency officers or police officers to direct a person to remain in a premise or area or quarantine or to direct detention
  • to review decisions by the Minister or enforcement agency on compensation:

Public Order in Streets Act 1984

  • to review decisions by the Commissioner or authorised officer on permits for public meetings and processions

Radiation Safety Act 1975

  • to review decisions by the Radiological Council on licences or registrations to deal with, and an authorised officer’s decision to seize and detain, radioactive substances, irradiating apparatuses or electronic products

Last updated: 22 August 2023

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